Create and start your seed VM. This script invokes diskimage-builder with suitable paths and options to create and start a VM that contains an all-in-one OpenStack cloud with the baremetal driver enabled, and preconfigures it for a development environment. Note that the seed has minimal variation in it’s configuration: the goal is to bootstrap with a known-solid config.
cd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-image-elements/elements/seed-stack-config
# Sets:
# - bm node arch
# - bm power manager
# - ssh power host
# - ssh power key
# - ssh power user
jq -s '.[1] as $config |(.[0].nova.baremetal |= (.virtual_power.user=$config["ssh-user"]|.virtual_power.ssh_host=$config["host-ip"]|.virtual_power.ssh_key=$config["ssh-key"]|.arch=$config.arch|.power_manager=$config.power_manager))| .[0]' config.json $TE_DATAFILE > $TMP
mv $TMP config.json
boot-seed-vm -a $NODE_ARCH $NODE_DIST neutron-dhcp-agent 2>&1 | \
tee $TRIPLEO_ROOT/dib-seed.log
boot-seed-vm will start a VM and copy your SSH pub key into the VM so that you can log into it with ‘ssh stack@‘.
The IP address of the VM is printed out at the end of boot-seed-vm, or you can query the testenv json which is updated by boot-seed-vm:
SEED_IP=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key seed-ip --type netaddress)
Add a route to the baremetal bridge via the seed node (we do this so that your host is isolated from the networking of the test environment.
# These are not persistent, if you reboot, re-run them.
ROUTE_DEV=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key seed-route-dev --type netdevice --key-default virbr0)
sudo ip route del dev $ROUTE_DEV || true
sudo ip route add dev $ROUTE_DEV via $SEED_IP
Mask the seed API endpoint out of your proxy settings
export no_proxy=$no_proxy,
If you downloaded a pre-built seed image you will need to log into it and customise the configuration within it. See footnote [1].)
Setup a prompt clue so you can tell what cloud you have configured. (Do this once).
source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/cloudprompt
Source the client configuration for the seed cloud.
source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/seedrc
Perform setup of your seed cloud.
wait_for 30 10 ping -c 1
ssh-keyscan -t rsa >>~/.ssh/known_hosts
init-keystone -p unset unset root@
setup-endpoints --glance-password unset --heat-password unset --neutron-password unset --nova-password unset
keystone role-create --name heat_stack_user
echo "Waiting for nova to initialise..."
wait_for 30 10 nova list
setup-neutron ctlplane
Register “bare metal” nodes with nova and setup Nova baremetal flavors. When using VMs Nova will PXE boot them as though they use physical hardware. If you want to create the VM yourself see footnote [2] for details on its requirements. If you want to use real baremetal see footnote [3] for details.
SEED_MACS=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key node-macs --type raw | awk '{ print $1 }')
SEED_PM_IPS=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key node-pm-ips --type raw --key-default '' | awk '{ print $1 }')
SEED_PM_USERS=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key node-pm-users --type raw --key-default '' | awk '{ print $1 }')
SEED_PM_PASSWORDS=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key node-pm-passwords --type raw --key-default '' | awk '{ print $1 }')
NODE_ARCH=$(os-apply-config -m $TE_DATAFILE --key arch --type raw)
If you need to collect the MAC address separately, see scripts/get-vm-mac.
[1] | Customize a downloaded seed image. If you downloaded your seed VM image, you may need to configure it. Setup a network proxy, if you have one (e.g. port 8080) # Run within the image!
echo << EOF >> ~/.profile
export no_proxy=
export http_proxy=
Add an ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. The image rejects password authentication for security, so you will need to ssh out from the VM console. Even if you don’t copy your authorized_keys in, you will still need to ensure that /home/stack/.ssh/authorized_keys on your seed node has some kind of public SSH key in it, or the openstack configuration scripts will error. You can log into the console using the username ‘stack’ password ‘stack’. |
[2] | Requirements for the “baremetal node” VMs If you don’t use create-nodes, but want to create your own VMs, here are some suggestions for what they should look like.
[3] | Notes when using real bare metal If you want to use real bare metal see the following.