
  1. The devtest scripts require access to the libvirt system URI. If running against a different libvirt URI you may encounter errors. Export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI to prevent devtest using qemu:///system Check that the default libvirt connection for your user is qemu:///system. If it is not, set an environment variable to configure the connection. This configuration is necessary for consistency, as later steps assume qemu:///system is being used.

    export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=${LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI:-"qemu:///system"}
  2. The vm’s created by devtest will use e1000 network device emulation by default. This can be overriden to use a different network driver for interfaces instead, such as virtio. virtio provides faster network performance than e1000, but may prove to be less stable.

  3. Choose a base location to put all of the source code.

    # exports are ephemeral - new shell sessions, or reboots, and you need
    # to redo them, or use $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/scripts/write-tripleorc
    # and then source the generated tripleorc file.
    export TRIPLEO_ROOT=~/tripleo
  4. Nova tools will get installed in $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/scripts - you need to add that to the PATH.

    export PATH=$TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/scripts:$PATH
  5. Set the default bare metal power manager. By default devtest uses nova.virt.baremetal.virtual_power_driver.VirtualPowerManager to support a fully virtualized TripleO test environment. You may optionally customize this setting if you are using real baremetal hardware with the devtest scripts. This setting controls the power manager used in both the seed VM and undercloud.

    export POWER_MANAGER=${POWER_MANAGER:-'nova.virt.baremetal.virtual_power_driver.VirtualPowerManager'}
  6. Set a list of image elements that should be included in all image builds. Note that stackuser is only for debugging support - it is not suitable for a production network. This is also the place to include elements such as pip-cache or pypi-openstack if you intend to use them.

  7. These elements are required for tripleo in all images we build.

    export DIB_COMMON_ELEMENTS="${DIB_COMMON_ELEMENTS} use-ephemeral"
  8. A messaging backend is required for the seed, undercloud, and overcloud control node. It is not required for overcloud computes. The backend is set through the *EXTRA_ARGS. rabbitmq-server is the default backend. Another option is qpidd.


  9. Set HW resources for VMs used as ‘baremetal’ nodes. NODE_CPU is cpu count, NODE_MEM is memory (MB), NODE_DISK is disk size (GB), NODE_ARCH is architecture (i386, amd64). NODE_ARCH is used also for the seed VM. A note on memory sizing: TripleO images in raw form are currently ~2.7Gb, which means that a tight node will end up with a thrashing page cache during glance -> local + local -> raw operations. This significantly impairs performance. Of the four minimum VMs for TripleO simulation, two are nova baremetal nodes (seed an undercloud) and these need to be 2G or larger. The hypervisor host in the overcloud also needs to be a decent size or it cannot host more than one VM.

    32bit VMs

    export NODE_CPU=1 NODE_MEM=2048 NODE_DISK=20 NODE_ARCH=i386

    For 64bit it is better to create VMs with more memory and storage because of increased memory footprint:

    export NODE_CPU=1 NODE_MEM=2048 NODE_DISK=20 NODE_ARCH=amd64
  10. Set distribution used for VMs (fedora, opensuse, ubuntu).

    For Fedora, set SELinux permissive mode:

    export NODE_DIST="fedora selinux-permissive"

    For openSUSE, use:

    export NODE_DIST="opensuse"

    For Ubuntu, use:

    export NODE_DIST="ubuntu"
  11. Set number of compute nodes for the overcloud

  12. You need to make the tripleo image elements accessible to diskimage-builder:

    export ELEMENTS_PATH=$TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-image-elements/elements
  13. Set the datafile to use to describe the ‘hardware’ in the devtest environment. If this file already exists, you should skip running as it writes to the file

    export TE_DATAFILE=${TE_DATAFILE:-"$TRIPLEO_ROOT/testenv.json"}

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