Exporting Deployment Plans

Exporting Deployment Plans

Exporting a deployment plan enables you to quickly retrieve the contents of an existing deployment plan. A deployment plan consists of the heat templates and the environment files used to deploy an overcloud, as well as the plan-environment.yaml file which holds the plan metadata. Exporting a plan can be useful if you want to use an existing plan as a starting point for further customizations (instead of starting from scratch with a fresh copy of tripleo-heat-templates).

Exporting a plan using the CLI

To export a plan using the CLI, use the following command:

$ openstack overcloud plan export <plan_name>


$ openstack overcloud plan export overcloud

will export the default plan called overcloud. By default, a tarball named overcloud.tar.gz containing the plan files will be created in the current directory. If you would like to use a custom file name, you can specify it using the --output-file option.

Exporting a plan using the UI

To export a plan using the UI, navigate to the Plans page using the All Plans link from the Plans tab. Then open the kebab menu of the plan you want to export and click the Export link. This will trigger the plan export workflow and after the plan export completes you will be presented with a link to download the plan tarball.

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