Understanding undercloud/standalone stack updates

Understanding undercloud/standalone stack updates

To update a service password or a secret when upgrading from a non-containerized undercloud, you should edit undercloud.conf. Then you should use the openstack undercloud upgrade command.


undercloud.conf takes priority over tripleo-undercloud-passwords.yaml only when running the undercloud upgrade command. For the undercloud install command, you should edit tripleo-undercloud-passwords.yaml instead.

In order to apply changes for an existing containerized undercloud or standalone installation, there is an important thing to remember.

Undercloud and standalone heat installers create one-time ephemeral stacks. Unlike the normal overcloud stacks, they cannot be updated via the regular stack update procedure. Instead, the created heat stacks may be updated virtually. For the most of the cases, the installer will take care of it automatically via the StackAction heat parameter overrides.

You can enforce the virtual update/create of the heat stack via the --force-stack-update and --force-stack-create options.

And the recommended command to apply changes for an existing containerized undercloud installation is:

openstack undercloud install --force-stack-update

Otherwise, start a new installation with --force-stack-create. New passwords will be generated in tripleo-undercloud-passwords.yaml.

It is better to be always explicit.


The console log for these operations will always have heat reporting the STACK_CREATED status. Check the deployment logs for the actual virtual create or update actions taken.

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